Category : Lang Robert
Scorpion Verileg (Robert Lang)

Creator: Robert Lang Folder: Grzegorz Bubniak Photo: Grzegorz Bubniak Diagrams: OrigamiUSA Annual Collection 2003; JOAS Convention 10; Origami Insects II CP: Here Description: Folded from one uncut square. And here is the brooch version folded for a friend, who’s astrological Scorpio. It’s folded from 15x15cm square

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Tree Frog (Robert Lang)

Creator: Robert Lang Folder: Grzegorz Bubniak Photo: Grzegorz Bubniak Diagrams: Origami Design Secrets CP: Description: Folded from one uncut square.

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Makalu (Robert Lang)
13th Sep 2005 0

Creator: Robert Lang Folder: Grzegorz Bubniak Photo: Grzegorz Bubniak Diagrams: OrigamiUSA Annual Collection 2002 CP: Description: During holidays I was participating in origami picnic organized by Krystyna and Wojtek Burczyks, where folded modules of Robert Lang’s Makalu – another interwoven modular model where shown to me. I really wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t check how they are done

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Koi (Robert Lang)
12th Jun 2005 0

Creator: Robert Lang Folder: Grzegorz Bubniak Photo: Grzegorz Bubniak Diagrams: Origami Design Secrets CP: Origami Design Secrets Description: The fish with 900 scales has been folded from a square side of which was 1,35m long. As you can see below I had to make some effort before I finished the model.

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K2 (Robert Lang)

Creator: Robert Lang Folder: Grzegorz Bubniak Photo: Grzegorz Bubniak Diagrams: OrigamiUSA Annual Collection 2002; BOS Convention 2002 Spring CP: Description: After I saw K2 in Robert Lang’s gallery the urge to reach it forced me to modify 60 degree unit used for FIT and to find the proportions of the rectangle (15:2 centimeters in my case) by trial and error. With the modules I managed to assembly the model which was extremaly difficult, so I suggest folding FIT before.

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Hummingbird (Robert Lang)
3rd Dec 2004 0

Creator: Robert Lang Folder: Grzegorz Bubniak Photo: Grzegorz Bubniak Diagrams: Origami Design Secrets CP: Description: Robert Lang’s models are not only ideally proportional but full of grace as well. Here’s another example. It’s pleasure to fold them!

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